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All classes taught by Amy Oliver. Amy has been a potter for almost 30 years and has been teaching pottery in a classroom setting since 2004. In that time she has created a language and a system of teaching that focuses on muscle memory and hand placement. In every session there is a greater goal and in every class there is a project working towards that goal.
Types of classes
There are some classes on the schedule just for beginners or almost beginners, that follow a regiment that Amy calls " Pottery Boot camp."
These classes teach the basics of the Potter's wheel. Students learn how to wedge, throw on the wheel, trim and glaze.
The other classes are mixed level. You can be anywhere from advanced beginner to intermediate to advanced. Amy will scale down or scale up the lesson depending on the student's level. These classes focus heavily on form, craftsmanship and service design. Students stretch their skill level through weekly projects, working towards the greater goal of better craftsmanship and becoming better potters.
Class framework
Classes are weekly with 6 classes in a session. A student can make up a class in one of Amy's other classes. This makeup class has to be done with in the student’s current session. If class is canceled due to weather or if Amy is sick, one will be added to the end of the session.
A class session will be canceled if there are not at least four students signed up for the class. Students will be refunded for the class fee.
Students should be able to lift 25 lb of clay fairly easily. A pottery class is a lot like taking an exercise class. Eat, take your medicine, drink water and if you're not feeling well, do not come to class. Monkeytown Pottery is an historic building, that comes with outdated steps and an uneven sidewalk. Please be careful.
Monkeytown Pottery is not liable for any injuries that happens during or around class, by signing up for class you agree to this.
Cat allergy alert. Monkeytown Pottery is a cat friendly environment, there is always one Studio Kitty that keeps us company and mice free.
Lab time
Daytime classes, Lab starts 1 hour before class and goes 2 hours after class.
Night time classes, Lab starts 2 hours before class and goes 1 hour after class.
Pottery Boot camp is a 4-week session. There is no lab time for this class.